Saturday, October 8, 2016


1. Come parallel to the car 2-3 feet from it, blinker right
2. Your mirror should be a little bit before mirror of that car
3. Gear reverse
4. One complete turn right
5. Moving back slow, not more than 2 miles per hour
If you drive faster you fail, but if even inspector not fail you,
when you drive back fast you hit the curb or will be very close to curb at the end of parking
6. Do not forget: moving back, watching back,
do not forget to observe around, cars can come by
7. Move until your car and curb make 45 degree        
8. One complete turn left 
9. Move until handle of your car visually touching the curb, look at the right mirror you will see how handle cross the curb      
10. Wheel turning left until end (2 complete turns or a little bit more)                  
11. Put car parallel to curb                                
12. Gear on drive, wheel two complete turns right                      
13. Move closer to car before you, your car parallel to curb          
14. Your car should be 6-8 inch from the curb.
In real life, especially in New York it is different, but that is what they wanted from you.


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